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How and Where to Find Natural Gold in India

How and Where to Find Natural Gold in India
भारत में प्राकृतिक सोना कैसे और कहाँ से प्राप्त करें
ਭਾਰਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੁਦਰਤੀ ਸੋਨਾ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਅਤੇ ਕਿੱਥੇ ਲੱਭਿਆ ਜਾਵੇ
ভারতে প্রাকৃতিক সোনা কিভাবে এবং কোথায় পাওয়া যায়
இந்தியாவில் இயற்கை தங்கத்தை எப்படி, எங்கே கண்டுபிடிப்பது

Where to Find Gold in India
How and Where to Find Natural Gold in India
The gold ore resources are spread over Bihar, Rajasthan, Karnataka, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu.
Gold in India is mostly of the Electrum variety.

Gold Panning in India
Gold is a natural metal that can be found almost everywhere—streams, rivers, oceans, rocks, and the Earth’s crust. But did you know that people make a living of extracting gold from these sources?

Gold Panning
இந்தியாவில் தங்கம் பேனிங்
இந்தியாவில் தங்கம் பேனிங்
Gold Panning or Gold Filtering is a process of extracting gold from a placer deposit (an accumulation of valuable minerals formed by gravity separation during sedimentary processes), such as those found in rivers.

How does gold come into rivers?
Gold is said to enter water streams through the process of erosion which breaks down rocks found on the riverbed. When a river flows by a region having small gold deposits, it carries the gold with it. This gold then gets deposited along the bend of the river or downstream. Alluvial soil, often found on the banks of water bodies, is also known to have gold deposits. In fact, the name “placer” comes from the Spanish word placer meaning “alluvial sand”.

How is gold panning done?
Where to Find Gold in India இந்தியாவில் தங்கம் எங்கே கிடைக்கும்
இந்தியாவில் தங்கம் எங்கே கிடைக்கும்

You first collect the mud and sand flowing along the water. Then you place it in specially-designed wooden trays. These trays dissolve the mud, thus filtering the sand. Tiny gold particles then remain behind. You can get all the particles together and melt them This results in the formation of Quarry gold, generally considered to be pure gold. You can then sell the gold to jewellers and earn money.

Who does gold panning in India?
In India, gold panning is done by various communities, who fall under the larger umbrella of Gold Hunters. 

One of these is the Sonajhar community of Chhattisgarh. They filter gold particles from the River Mahanadi that flows through the states of Chhattisgarh and Odisha in central India. For decades, the men and women of the Sonajhar community have been traditionally involved in collecting and filtering gold from the wet soil and selling it directly to local goldsmiths.

Gold filtering is the main source of income for such people. After one day of hard work, the community collects gold particles equivalent to the size of 4-5 grains of rice, thus earning close to Rs 400 per day by filtering.

Even the people from the Gond and the Pahadi Korwa tribe filter gold. They can be located on the banks of the IB River. Seer Khud- a perennial rivulet which flows through Bilaspur, Chattisgarh- supports the livelihood of a Himachal tribe called Daola. Aglote in Goa, on the river Ragada, has sands which are rich in secondary gold. Similarly, Chaliyar river in Malappuram, Kerala, saw a gold rush when people found gold in it.

Is this process legal?
There is no particular law that makes gold filtering illegal. However, enthusiastic gold panners often cross the line of the law in search of gold. This is because they enter land areas that belong to others. This can lead to trespassing of property. Plus, there could be legal troubles regarding the ‘ownership’ of such gold.

Top Temples Owning Gold in India

Golden Temple, Amritsar, India
Golden Temple, Amritsar, India
Golden Temple, Amritsar
Founded by the fourth Sikh Guru- Ram Das Sahib- in the sixteenth century. In 1830 the Golden Temple in Amritsar, it was gilded with 162 kgs of gold, which then cost Rs. 65 lakhs . In the 90s, it was refurbished with 500 kgs of 24-karat gold which cost more than Rs. 140 crores. 24 layers of gold paint were applied and this renovation went on for four years! All its coats of gold were done by the hands of skilled artistes from different parts of the country.

Where to Find Gold in India
இந்தியாவில் தங்கம் எங்கே கிடைக்கும்

Gold Rush in India
இந்தியாவில் தங்க ரஷ்

Andhra Pradesh
Rayalaseema Region
Anantapur District:
Ramagiri camp

Chittoor District:
Bisanatham - Bisanatham block
Kolar Gold Fields
South Schist Belt
Mallappakonda deposit

Kadapa district:
Pulikonda intrusion
Kurnool District
Jonnagiri - Jonnagiri Gold Project

Nagaon District:

Jashpur District:
Ib River placers
Maini River placers

Raipur District:

Ramgarh District:
Bokaro coalfield

Davanagere District:
Shimoga schist belt - Hanumalapur Complex

Raichur District:
Hutti Mine - Maski belt

Kolar District:
Kolar Gold Fields
Central Schist Belt - Champion lode - Nundydroog Mine (Coromandal Mine; Oriental Lode)
South Schist Belt - Chigargunta Mine (Chigarikunta Mine)

Raichur District:
Hira Buddini Mine (Hira-Buddini Mine)
Hutti Mine
Uti Mine

Shimoga District:
Shankaraghatta ultramafic body

Tumkur District:
Chitradurga belt
Ajjanahalli mine

Madhya Pradesh
Jabalpur Division
Balaghat District:
Baihar Tehsil
Malanjkand - Malanjkhand Mine

Katni district:
Imalia deposit

Keonjhar District:
Baula Complex
Bangur gabbro
Nuasahi Complex

Udaipur Division
Banswara district:
Bhukia Project

Udaipur District:
Newania carbonatite-fenite complex

Uttar Pradesh
Mirzapur Division
Sonbhadra District:
Parsoi Area - Gulaldih prospect - Gurhar Pahar prospect
 - Sonpahari prospect.

*The mystery behind the sands of Subarnarekha: the river of gold in Jharkhand
the gold of sands of Subarnarekha river

List of main mines in India
This lists of mines in India is subsidiary to the list of mines article and lists working, and future mines in the country and is organised by the primary mineral output. For practical purposes stone, marbles and other quarries may be included in this list. In India, the underground mine to surface mine ratio is 20:80.
Diamond, Iron ore, Manganese, Copper, Bauxite, Coal, Petroleum, Gold, Lead ore and Uranium.


¿Cómo y dónde encontrar oro en Colombia?

Oro en Colombia
“En la historia de Colombia, el oro es central”, pues incluso antes de la llegada de los españoles, el oro se comerciaba entre los pueblos que vivían en este territorio. En una ceremonia tradicional de los indígenas muiscas, el hombre que sería coronado cacique era bañado en polvo de oro, llevado al centro de una laguna para sumergirse en ella, mientras pequeños artefactos del preciado metal eran arrojados a las aguas. Se cree que de ahí viene la leyenda de El Dorado.
oro en Colombia

Así que antes de esto afirmar que Colombia es un gran ponqué de oro no es una utopía, es simplemente una realidad.
Esto mismo sucede con otros recursos no renovables de este país, tales como el carbón, níquel, polisulfuros, minerales radiactivos, fosfatos, etc. Por ello, únicamente en forma muy superficial, deseo indicarles algunos datos históricos y regiones auríferas.
El suelo de Antioquia, el más quebrado de todo el territorio de Colombia, es rico en minerales de oro en toda su extensión. Sus montañas están cruzadas por un sinnúmero de filones y las hoyas de sus ríos forman una serie no interrumpida de aluviones auríferos. Apenas hay arroyo, riachuelo o río donde no se encuentra el precioso metal, y así puede decirse con razón de este Departamento, que todo él es como una inmensa red, que guarda entre sus mallas inagotables veneros para brindarles generoso a sus laboriosos moradores. Pero la región bañada por los ríos Porce y Nechí, "cuyas arenas son verdaderamente de oro", y por sus afluentes, es incontestablemente la más rica. Santa Rosa, situada en un terreno cortado por enormes barrancos formados al explotar sus minas, ocupa un cerro aluvial de finísimo oro. Por las calles de Remedios asoman las crestas de anchos filones de cuarzo; Zaragoza, Zea, Cruces, Anorí, Campamento, Yarumal, Angostura y Amalfi, están circunvalados de riquísimos placeres que se benefician continuamente. De esta opulenta región del Norte se extrae más de la mitad del oro que produce el Departamento. Los aborígenes de Antioquia explotaron las más de las minas de oro conocidas hoy, aunque no disponían para el trabajo sino de imperfectos instrumentos de piedra y de madera. Para sacar el oro de las vetas abrían un hoyo o pozo vertical, de forma circular, hasta cortar el filón bajando así algunas veces a grandes profundidades; luego abrían otros, contándose así en ocasiones hasta
veinte y más sobre un mismo filón. Varios de los métodos primitivos de laboreo de minas usados hoy fueron practicados por ellos. En todo tiempo se han sacado muy ricos sepulcros, en los que los indios se hacían enterrar con sus ídolos y sus arreos hechos del metal precioso, que tenían en abundancia. Los de Medellín, Yarumal, Angostura, Anorí, Caramanta, Remedios, San Juan, Salamina, Manizales, etc., han sido de los más productivos. Por
desgracia los objetos curiosos y dignos de estudio que de ellos se han extraído se han fundido o dispersado en su mayor parte. Cuando los españoles conquistaron a Antioquia, luego que fundaron algunas poblaciones, se ocuparon en la tarea provechosa de beneficiar sus riquísimos placeres que para servirnos de una expresión de Fray Pedro Simón, parecía que la tierra estaba rebosando el oro y que no lo podría ya sufrir en sus entrañas.

Antioquía y Bolívar poseen la mayor cantidad de minas del país y producen alrededor de muchas toneladas de oro anuales, si bien departamentos como Chocó, Córdoba, Caldas y Tolima también tienen amplia presencia de la actividad extractiva del metal.

dónde encontrar oro en Colombia

¿Desde cuándo se sabe de la existencia de oro Colombia?
El esplendor de la orfebrería entre los pueblos indígenas precolombinos como los quimbayas y los muiscas se dio progresivamente en los primeros siglos después de Cristo, pero existen rastros arqueológicos de aleaciones hechas con oro desde cerca del año 1000 a.C.

¿Dónde buscar oro cerca de ríos?
El Oro es un mineral que viene debajo de la tierra, pero el aflora cuando hay movimiento telúricos importantes. Cuando rompen los estratos y al frotarse y moverse por movimiento de la tierra las pepitas aloran y  caen. Otras de las formas es cuando las rocas con pepitas de oro quedan expuestas por algún algún movimiento telúrico de un fenómeno natural  y hay agua cerca, el rio las lava, las rueda y las deja esparcidas por el lecho del río.

¿Dónde encontrarlas?
Donde el río se entrampa. Si tenemos un río recto y de repente hace una curva, busca en la parte de adentro de la curva, busca debajo de las piedras, busca arena negra que siempre está cargada de mineral y se asocia con las pepitas de oro.

¿Dónde está el oro en Colombia?
dónde encontrar oro en Colombia
Departamento de Antioquia
> Amalfi
> Anorí - Mina de Constância.
> Remédios - Mina de Cogotes, Mina El Silencio (Mina Silencio), Mina de ouro de Providencia, Mina San Nicolas y Mina Santa Isabel.
> Anzá - Mina Quiuná
> Frontino - Mina Frontino y Bairro Rio Chico Placer.
> Caramanta - Mina San Cayetano y Mina Zareimalito.
> Titirubí - Mina El Zancudo.

Departamento Bolívar
Município de Guamocó

Departamento de Caldas
> Monte Loazia
Distrito de Echandia.

> Município de Salamina
Distrito de mineração de Marmato.

> Município de Supía
Mina El Diamante, Mina de Morisco y Mina de Pinares.

Departamento de Cauca
> Município de Buenos Aires
Mina Asnazu.

> Município de Guapí
Rio Pilpe.

Departamento de Chocó
> Município de Novita
Rio Pinto.

> Município de Riosucio
Rio Atrato.

Departamento da Huíla
> Município de Aipe

Departamento de Nariño
> Município de Los Andes
Mina Nueva Esparta.

> Município de Mallama
Minas de Porvenir.

> Pasto
Vulcão Galeras.

> Município de Samaniego
Mina Concórdia.

> Município de São Bernardo

Departamento Norte de Santander
> Município de Pamplona
Mina Pie de Gallo.

Departamento Santander
> Município da Califórnia
Depósito Califórnia Cu-Au.

Província de Soto Norte
> Município de Vetas
Depósito La Tosca y Depósito Móngora.

Departamento de Tolima
> Município de Ibagué
Distrito de Soledad
> Município de Venadillo

Departamento de Valle del Cauca
> Município de El Cerrito

Únete al grupo:
"Buscadores de Oro y Tesoros en Antioquia"

La Cianurada
La capital minera de Colombia es Segovia en Antioquía, donde el mercurio y el cianuro utilizados para extraer el oro fueron liberados a este arroyo por la mina Frontino Golden.
Se cree que La Cianurada, en los municipios de Segovia y Remedios, Antioquia, es el río más contaminado del mundo.

El giro ambiental en la extracción de oro en Colombia
Desde el 16 de julio de 2018 que oficialmente Colombia prohibió el uso de mercurio en la minería, tal como estaba establecido en la ley 1658 de 2013. Está PROHIBIDO el uso de este elemento en toda actividad extractiva, principalmente aurífera, una de las que más usa mercurio.

Datos Historicos sobre el ouro en Colombia
Se reproducen aquí algunos apartes históricos que han sido tomados del "Estudio sobre las minas de oro y plata de Colombia por el doctor Vicente Restrepo":

La Batea
dónde encontrar oro en Colombia
La panela sigue siendo la principal herramienta en la búsqueda de oro en tierras colombianas.
"La batea es una herramiente de madera o acero en forma de cono poco profunda con una depresión poco profunda en el centro de aproximadamente medio metro de ancho. Se ha utilizado en la minería en América del Sur desde antes de la época colonial".

Hombre que se dedica a barequear o lavar la arena en batea para extraer oro.
El nombre que recibe el minero tradicional del río es Barequero, como este hombre que usa su olla para buscar oro en el departamento del Cauca. “Hay algo fascinante en revolver, parar, revolver, desengrasar, revolver, parar, revolver y desengrasar nuevamente a lo largo del día hasta obtener un poco de oro.

Guía práctica para la formalización y legalización de pequeños mineros
comercializadores de oro:

Fuentes de búsqueda:

Etiquetas de búsqueda de Google:
¿Cómo es el terreno dónde hay oro?
¿Dónde hay yacimientos de oro?
¿Cómo extraer oro en Colombia?
¿Cómo se encuentra el oro en su estado natural?

Gemstones found in UK

Find gemstones in the UK
How and where to find gemstones in the UK
The United Kingdom is a densely populated country that encompasses a small area of approximately 243,000 square kilometers. The UK includes England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
Gemstones found in UK
The most of the gemstone materials of the UK have been found in Scotland. In fact, even a diamond was found in Northern Scotland in the 1870s by Scottish mineralogist, Professor M F Heddle. Other gemstone materials that have been discovered in Scotland include sapphire that was found on the Isle of Harris, but a protection order prohibits its removal. Small amounts of ruby and beryl (including aquamarine) have also been found in Scotland. There is a place in Fife known as "Ruby Bay", but it is garnet, rather than ruby that is found here. Larger amounts of "blue hole agate", amethyst and smoky quartz were also found in Scotland, and some red and yellow jasper. Zircon has also been found in Scotland.

Before the Scottish diamond was found, in 1816 1813, a diamond was discovered in the Colebrooke River of County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. Many years later, in 1996, a Canadian company investigated areas of County Tyrone and County Fermanagh. Their exploration suggested that there may be untapped potential. Gemstone quality ruby, sapphire, aquamarine, opal, hematite, calcite and quartz have also been discovered in Northern Ireland. County Tyrone in Northern Ireland is also home to one of the UK's last remaining gold mines.

Wales has also been known as an important source of gold, rather than gemstones in the UK, especially in Roman Britain. Dolaucothi is the first such Roman gold mine that is now a museum. Welsh gold is highly sought after and is the material of choice for gold wedding bands worn by the British Royal Family. With regard to gemstones, quartz, but not many other well-known gemstone materials have been found in areas of Wales.

With regard to England, several gemstone materials have been found. In the North of England, on the Isle of Man and also on the north-eastern coast of England, agate has been found. Also found on the east coast, especially in Whitby, Yorkshire, is jet, which was popular in the 19th century when mourning jewelry was fashionable. Jet is made of fossilized wood and is no longer popular since other black gems have superior gem qualities such as durability. Further down the east coast of England and in the Isle of Wight in the south, amber has been found. Some of this has a rich color that was caused by forest fires in the Cretaceous period, it is sometimes known as "Hastings firestorm amber".

The middle of England is most famous for fluorite. The best-known source for fluorite is Derbyshire, the source of highly regarded "blue John" fluorite, which occurs in purple to blue and yellow to white bands. This is also known as "Derbyshire Spar" or "Derbyshire Blue John". This fluorite was popular during the 1800s when it was sent all over the world.

The two south-western counties known as Devon and Cornwall have seen some interesting gemstone discoveries, such as topaz, tourmaline, beryl, fluorite and amethyst. Cassiterite, which is tin ore, was also mined from this area and is said to have been mined since the Bronze Age. Other metals such as silver and copper were mined here too.

Although the UK is a small place, some unique and interesting materials have been unearthed from its mountains, valleys and shores. Perhaps there are more hidden treasures in the UK, just waiting to be discovered.

Gemstones in the UK

Gemstones found in UK
Although found all over the world and in many different types, agate is also easily found in the UK, particularly off the coast of Cornwall and northern Scotland.
Reminiscent of Scottish wild lakes and the high rugged mountains of Scotland. Much of Scottish agate was formed by volcanic eruptions, with the yolk forming within the silica-rich gas bubbles of the cooling lava.
The most well-known places to find authentic Scottish Agate is the Blue Hole in the Usan and Lunan Bay.

Gemstones found in UK
One of the most revered gemstones, Amber, specifically Baltic Amber can be found on the “Amber Coast” of Norfolk and Suffolk, between Felixstowe and Southwold. Little globules of orange, Baltic Amber is sought after for both its rarity and its healing properties. 
Amber is actually fossilised tree sap, which would have been trapped within the ancient Baltic forest (now all underwater in the Baltic sea). Melting glaciers from the last ice age bring these little gems to the surface, which is why they make their way to our shores. 
What is incredibly fascinating is that Amber can even have fossilised critters inside, which is very illuminating as to what kind of species lived millions of years ago. 
Baltic Amber
They say that the best time to go searching for Amber is after a storm, as rough seas shake up the seabed and mover the amber towards the shore. However, the bright and fiery glow that we associate with Amber is actually when the stone is polished. Rough amber is actually a dark rusty brown colour, which is why it can be easily overlooked.

Blue John Fluorite
Gemstones found in UK
Another popular gemstone found in the uk, Blue John Fluorite is native to the Blue John Cavern in Derbyshire. So much so that it is also known as Derbyshire Spar! This type of mineral is distinguishable by its bands of blue and yellow, and it is one of the few gemstones that can ONLY be found in the UK! 
It remains one of the few gemstones found in the UK, and it is still mined on a small scale today.

Cairngorm Quartz
Gemstones found in UK
Another native Scottish gemstone, Cairngorm Quartz is a variety of smokey Quartz exclusively found in the Cairngorm mountains of Scotland. A very desirable variety of Quartz, Cairngorm Quartz is actually considered to be Scotland’s national gem.
This type of Quartz gem is noticeable for its signature slightly yellow colour, due to a small mount of ferric oxide within its structure. ‘Invercauld cairngorm’, is a variety crystal of smoky quartz. Cairngorm Quartz was widely used in Scottish and English jewellery, embellishing weapons, kilt pins, necklaces, earrings and brooches. For some time, Cairngorm Quartz was known as the Scottish Topaz, a testament to its rarity and signature nature.
These miners of Cairngorm would sometimes discover other precious gemstones such as beryl and topaz.
The largest known cairngorm crystal is a 23.6 kg (52 lb) specimen kept at Braemar Castle.

About The Cairngorms
The Cairngorms are the most extensive area of high mountain terrain in Britain. The area has given its name to gem quality smoky quartz, and has also produced spectacular specimens of beryl and topaz.
The Cairngorm Granite lies at the heart of our story. This tough igneous rock is highly resistant to erosion and forms the dissected highland plateau which is the Cairngorms. The distinctive shape of the mountains owes its appearance to the properties and distribution of this rock, and the minerals which occur in it are directly related to its geological origin and history. Within the granite occur cavities, and veins or pockets of pegmatite which contain the gem minerals. These are yellow, smoky or dark cairngorm quartz; yellow-green or blue beryl; and colourless to pale blue topaz.

Whitby Jet
Jet was one of the most sought after materials in the 19th century for Victorian mourning jewellery. Specifically, Whitby Jet. Similarly to Amber, Jet is actually fossilised tree wood that is washed up on the shores of Whitby in England.
Formed into a coal-like structure from millions of years of pressure, Jet’s inherently dark colour has etymologically earned itself the originating influence behind “jet black”. The Jet found in Whitby formed over 181 million years ago during the Early Jurassic period. Whilst it's still incredibly rare to find today, W.Hammond, a jeweller in Whitby, is completely devoted to creating true Whitby Jet jewellery today. Whitby beach in Yorkshire is world famous for its jet which was popular in Queen Victoria’s reign. True Victorian Whitby Jet is even rarer to come by, and it is very expensive.

Bristol Diamonds
Bristol Diamonds
Whilst there are a few regional varieties of gemstones, have you ever heard of Bristol Diamonds? Not to be confused with the glittering highly prized precious gemstone, “Bristol Diamonds” are actually a type of Quartz that is found in the Avon Gorge caves. These Quartz gems were sought after as a novelty gemstone in the 18th and 19th century, as many persons visited the Hotwells spa (marketed to have rivalled the towns of Bath and Cheltenham). 

The “Bristol Diamonds” as they were colloqually known in the 18th and 19th century were actually called Diamonds in the 1586 Topographical survey by William Camden. In fact, he described them as the following: “for in bright and transparent colour, they match the Indian Diaments, if they passe them not; in hardness onely they are inferior to them.”

But what about real diamonds, have they ever been found in England?

Yes that’s right even diamond has been found in the United Kingdom, admittedly only a very very small amount. In 1813 ‘The Brookeborough’ diamond was discovered in a stream in Co Fermanagh.
In the 1870s teacher M. F. Heddle of St Andrews University discovered a small diamond 5km north of Ben Hope in Scotland.

Recently, some mining companies are carrying out studies and prospecting of samples to see if it is feasible to extract diamonds in England.
See who these companies are in the links at the end of this article.

Other minerals found in England
There include rare and common minerals such as chalcocite, arsenopyrite, calcite, apatite, liroconite, wavellite, botallackite, cerussite, hematite, barite, boracite, pyromorphite, pyrrhotite, scheelite, linarite, mimetite, turquoise, copper, witherite, chalcocite, galena, and others.
See more Mineral and gemstones in UK:

Gold and Gemstones prospecting UK:

Welsh Gold
Although not officially a gemstone, we couldn’t NOT include Welsh Gold in this list of gemstones found in the UK. Welsh Gold is one of the rarest and most sought after types of Gold in the world. Not to mention, it is a type of Gold that many of the Royal Families engagement and wedding rings have been crafted from, including Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Diana, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle.
Welsh Gold is the first known mined Gold in the UK, dating back to the Bronze Age in Dolau Cothin Wales. Welsh Gold was in regular use until 1938, today only surviving in small increments with a small yield. For instance, in the late 1990s it would cost over £1000 an ounce to extract, and the value of Welsh Gold today is estimated to be up to 30,000 times more than standard Gold. You can still pan for gold in the nearby river Cothi.

Where to find and gold prospecting in England:

Free E-BOOK about England's minerals
For more information about minerals from England, you can read the free e-book covering the Lindsay Greenbank Collection of Classic Minerals of Northern England.

The Lindsay Greenbank Collection Book CoverWhile many Americans are unfamiliar with these British mineral localities, the Lindsay Greenbank Collection contains many of the world's finest mineral specimens from Northern England. These mineral localities remained somewhat mysterious to collectors until this Mineralogical Record supplement was published after a year and a half of work. In addition to 40 locality photos, maps, crystal drawings, and old historic specimen labels, over 100 superb mineral specimens are printed in full color. Lindsay Greenbank's Mineralogical Record biography is available HERE.

England's minerals for sale by ArkenStone:


Diamond in UK:

¿Cómo y dónde encontrar oro en México?

¿Dónde encontrar oro en México?
México es un país extenso y tiene un subsuelo muy rico donde podemos encontrar los más diversos tipos de rocas y piedras preciosas así como, por supuesto, metales preciosos.
México conoce bien la minería; de hecho, se ha convertido en un productor líder de muchos minerales valiosos, incluidos los metales preciosos. Más de 766 minerales válidos están catalogados en la Base de Datos de Minerales, incluidas las mejores piedras preciosas con calidad gemológica y dos de los metales más buscados y queridos en la tierra, la plata y el oro.
¿Dónde encontrar oro en México?
La plata es la razón por la que México es conocido y actualmente es el mayor productor mundial de este metal. Se recuperan cantidades significativas de oro como subproducto de las minas de plata.

Los ricos yacimientos que resultaron en tanta riqueza para el país de México fueron descubiertos en 1550. A la Veta Madre de Guanajuato le siguió el descubrimiento de El Oro, un distrito minero inmensamente rico en el que se ha trabajado durante más de 450 años y ha resultado en millones de onzas de oro que se producen.

Minería en el desierto mexicano
La geología de México es muy similar a la que se encuentra en el desierto del suroeste de Estados Unidos. Muchas de las ricas áreas mineras son una continuación de la rica geología que se encuentra en estados como Arizona y Nuevo México.
¿Dónde encontrar oro en México?
Dado que gran parte de México tiene un clima árido, el trabajo de pequeños depósitos de oro por mineros “artesanales” en pequeña escala requiere técnicas especiales y tiene limitaciones significativas.

Una zona minera de oro muy rica en México se encuentra en el desierto de Señora, al sur de la frontera de Arizona. Esta región ha estado produciendo oro durante siglos.
Dónde encontrar oro en México
Los métodos de prospección se limitan principalmente al uso de tintorerías en esta parte de México, porque el agua no existe en muchas de las áreas más ricas. Esta técnica es muy laboriosa y puede ser más difícil de muestrear y rastrear fuentes de oro que con las técnicas tradicionales de extracción de placeres.

Otro método que ahora se utiliza en todo México con buen éxito es la detección de metales. Con un detector de metales, los garimpeiros pueden localizar pepitas de oro dentro de barrancos, lavabos y bancos que carecen de agua durante la mayor parte del año.
¿Dónde encontrar oro en México?
Y gracias a un detector de metales se descubrió la pepita de oro más famosa de México. Fue la pepita de Bota de Cortez.

Minería comercial en México
El país alberga muchas minas comerciales excepcionalmente ricas. Muchas de estas minas extraen lo que se considerarían minerales de baja ley. Sin embargo, a gran escala, estos minerales se pueden extraer de manera muy rentable.

La Cordillera Occidental de la Sierra Madre alberga muchas grandes minas de oro, que producen cobre, plata, oro y una variedad de otros minerales.

Grupo México es la empresa minera más grande que opera en el Desierto de Senora. Es uno de los mayores productores de oro del país.

Goldcorp también opera la mina Penasquito y es un productor líder de oro y plata. La mina San Pedro en San Luis de Potasi es otro rico productor de oro.

La minería tiene un impacto significativo en la economía de México. La industria es un importante generador de empleo y emplea a miles de mexicanos. Los bajos costos laborales hacen que el país sea muy atractivo económicamente, y la mayoría de las empresas mineras más grandes del mundo operan en México.
quartzo com ouro
La desventaja de la minería en México son los problemas de seguridad y los disturbios civiles. En los últimos años, ha habido muchas historias sobre robos de minas. Esto ciertamente limitó en cierta medida el alcance de la minería y la exploración.

Especialmente a menor escala, no es recomendable que los mineros de Estados Unidos se aventuren al sur en busca de oro. Si bien hay muchos distritos auríferos en el norte de México que no han sido explotados en todo su potencial, existen serios riesgos asociados con muchos de ellos, especialmente cerca de la frontera, donde hay problemas de tráfico de drogas y personas.

¿Dónde encontrar oro en México?
Ubicaciones de Oro en México
Ubicaciones de Oro en México

Baja California Sur
La Paz Municipality - El Triunfo District;
Mun. de Los Cabos - Rancho San Felipe.

Baja California
Ensenada Municipality - Bahia de Los Angeles;
Calamajue (Calamahi; Mision de Calamajue; Molino Paraje de Calamajue); Cedros Island; El Alamo; El Arco; La Arrastras; Real del Castillo; Sierra San Pedro Mártir y Socorro (El Socorro).

Pantepec Municipality - Ixhuatán.

Aldama Municipality, Puerto del Aire, Allende Municipality, Aquiles Serdán Municipality, Batopilas Municipality, Casas Grandes Municipality, Chihuahua Municipality, Chínipas Municipality, Cusihuiriáchic Municipality, 
Guachochi Municipality, Guadalupe y Calvo Municipality, Guazapares Municipality, Ocampo Municipality, San Francisco del Oro Municipality, Saucillo Municipality y Urique Municipality.

El Oro Municipality, Mapimí Municipality, Pánuco de Coronado Municipality, San Dimas Municipality, San Pedro del Gallo Municipality y Topia Municipality.

Guanajuato Municipality y San Luis de la Paz Municipality.

San Miguel Totolapan Municipality.

Pachuca Municipality.

Ameca Municipality, Guachinango Municipality, Mascota Municipality, San Sebastián Municipality y Tequila Municipality.

El Oro Municipality, Sultepec Municipality, Temascaltepec Municipality, Tlatlaya Municipality y Zacualpán Municipality.

Tepalcatepec Municipality yTlalpujahua Municipality.

Cerro Jumil

Amatlán de Cañas Municipality y Santa María del Oro Municipality.

San Miguel Peras Municipality.

Ixtacamaxtitlán Municipality y Tetela de Ocampo Municipality.

Cadereyta Municipality y Tolimán Municipality.

San Luis Potosí
Cerro de San Pedro Municipality y Villa de La Paz Municipality.

Badiraguato Municipality, Cosalá Municipality y Rosario Municipality.

Altar Municipality, Arizpe Municipality, Caborca Municipality, Cucurpe Municipality, Hermosillo Municipality, Magdalena Municipality, Moctezuma Municipality, Pitiquito Municipality, Plutarco Elías Calles Municipality, Quiriego Municipality, Sahuaripa Municipality, Suaqui Grande Municipality, Tepache Municipality, Trincheras Municipality y Yécora Municipality.

Villagrán Municipality.

Fresnillo Municipality, Mazapil Municipality, Mezquital del Oro Municipality, Noria de Ángeles Municipality, Pinos Municipality y Zacatecas Municipality.

Piedras preciosas, metales preciosos y minerales de México
Colección Miguel Romero de Minerales Mexicanos

Esta es claramente una de las mejores colecciones de minerales mexicanos jamás reunidas, y el legado de la Colección Miguel Romero Sánchez es más que merecedor de ser preservado y capturado. De origen humilde, Miguel Romero eventualmente se convirtió en el líder nacional mexicano en recolección de minerales. Este suplemento de Mineralogical Record cubre una colección de minerales que inicialmente era privada y secreta, pero que gradualmente se hizo conocida y querida por el público. Muchas de estas piezas minerales ahora se consideran Ikons del mundo mineral.

Fuentes de búsqueda:

Vietnam, Gold and Gemstones

Đá quý và vàng ở Việt Nam
Vietnam, Gold and Gemstones
Aquamarine thô từ mỏ Thạch Khoán.
Aquamarine thô từ mỏ Thạch Khoán.

Khai thác đá quý ở Việt Nam đã có sự tăng trưởng ấn tượng trong những năm gần đây. Tuy nhiên, đá quý được phát hiện ở đây vào năm 1987, thuộc vùng Lục Yên, tỉnh Yên Bái. So với nhiều liên doanh khai thác trên thế giới, việc phát hiện ra những viên đá quý giá trị ở Việt Nam còn chậm hơn nhiều thế kỷ. Hiện nay có rất nhiều loại trang sức có sẵn trong nước.

Ruby, sapphire và spinel là những loại có giá trị nhất. Người ta cũng thường tìm thấy đồ trang sức tại các chợ mở ở thành phố trong khu vực và các vùng khác của Việt Nam.

Nếu bạn muốn tìm hiểu thêm về việc khai thác đá quý ở Việt Nam, chúng tôi có thông tin chi tiết đáng kinh ngạc dưới đây.

Việc khai thác đá quý ở Việt Nam được thực hiện tại thành phố Lục Yên, phía đông bắc của đất nước. Thành phố tương đối nông thôn và hầu hết được bao phủ bởi rừng rậm và thung lũng. Những khám phá đầu tiên về đá quý có giá trị cao được thực hiện vào năm 1987.
Tourmaline thô từ trầm tích Lục Yên.
Tourmaline thô từ trầm tích Lục Yên.

Một năm sau, hoạt động khai thác đá quý bắt đầu sôi động với việc thành lập Công ty Đá quý Việt Nam, một cơ quan chính phủ chịu trách nhiệm phát triển ngành công nghiệp đá quý địa phương.

Trong một năm thăm dò, hơn 500 pound hồng ngọc chất lượng đá quý đã được khai thác từ khu vực này. Hầu hết các loại đá quý chủ yếu được bán ở nước láng giềng Thái Lan.

Mặc dù có nguồn đá quý phong phú nhưng nhiều chuyên gia cho rằng ngành khai thác đá quý Việt Nam vẫn chưa phát huy hết tiềm năng. Đơn giản là có quá nhiều thách thức.

Ví dụ, hầu hết việc khai thác ngày nay được thực hiện bởi các nhóm nhỏ nông dân địa phương sử dụng các công cụ rất thô sơ. Do đó, họ rất khó tham gia vào các hoạt động khai thác thương mại quy mô lớn vốn thường dẫn đến lợi nhuận lớn.

Một điều đáng lưu ý nữa là Lục Yên tuy có nhiều đá quý nhưng vẫn là một thị trấn thuần nông. Vì lý do này, hầu hết đất đai ở đó, một số được bao phủ bởi đá quý, được sử dụng để trồng lúa và các loại hoa màu khác.
Đá ruby thô từ mỏ Quỳ Châu.
Đá ruby thô từ mỏ Quỳ Châu.

Chúng ta cũng biết rằng hầu hết các thiết bị được sử dụng trong khai thác đá quý cũng được sử dụng trong sản xuất nông nghiệp. Điều này có nghĩa là trong các chu kỳ nông nghiệp điển hình, có thể không có đủ dụng cụ để loại bỏ chồi khỏi mặt đất.

Về bản chất, khai thác đá quý ở đây ít nhiều là một hoạt động kinh tế mà bạn nghĩ đến và như vậy không quan trọng bằng nông nghiệp.

Đá quý việt nam
Việt Nam có khoảng 186 loại khoáng sản được xếp vào danh mục, bao gồm khoáng sản, đá quý và kim loại quý hiếm như vàng. Trong danh sách dưới đây là những cái chính.
Map of Vietnam showing the location of gemstone occurrences
Bản đồ Việt Nam hiển thị vị trí xuất hiện đá quý.

Nghiên cứu địa chất Việt Nam đã chỉ ra tiềm năng cao về đá quý ở Việt Nam và trong thập kỷ qua đã tìm thấy một số mỏ đá quý, đặc biệt là ruby ​​và sapphire. Ở miền Bắc Việt Nam, đá quý corundum được tìm thấy ở các khu vực Lục Yên, Yên Bái và Quỳ Châu, trong các mỏ nguyên sinh chứa các đá biến chất và trong các chất tạo thạch. Trong trầm tích thứ cấp, ruby ​​và sapphire được kết hợp với đá quý, spinel và ngọc hồng lựu. Ở miền nam Việt Nam, ngọc bích có liên quan đến đá bazan kiềm, ngọc bích màu xanh lam có giá trị kinh tế. Ngọc bích được phục hồi bằng zircons và đá quý peridot trong miếng đệm lót. Aquamarine, beryl, topaz, tinh thể thạch anh (thạch anh tím, citrine, morion), tektite, fluorit, opal, chalcedony, jadeite, nephrite và amazonit là những loại đá quý khác được khai thác ở Việt Nam. Hồng ngọc, ngọc bích và ngọc trai cung cấp thương mại quan trọng cho thị trường đá quý ở Việt Nam và các nước khác.

Đá quý khác
Thạch anh là một trong những loại khoáng vật phong phú và phân bố rộng rãi ở Việt Nam. Các loại bao gồm tinh thể đá, thạch anh tím và thạch anh hồng. Tinh thể đá và thạch anh ám khói được tìm thấy trong pegmatit ở Xuân Lễ (Thanh Hóa), ​​Kỳ Sơn (Nghệ An), Thạch Khoán (Vĩnh Phú). Thạch anh tím với màu tím hấp dẫn, độ trong suốt cao được tìm thấy nhiều ở Đơn Dương (tỉnh Lạng Sơn) và Chư Bộc (tỉnh Gia Lai). Thạch anh hồng được tìm thấy ở Đà Nẵng, morion ở Lộc Tấn (Lâm Đồng).

Jadeite và nephrite được tìm thấy ở Cổ Phương (tỉnh Sơn La). Nó có màu xanh lục và chỉ được sử dụng để chạm khắc các sản phẩm mỹ nghệ. Mã não được tìm thấy ở Lộc Ninh (tỉnh Tây Ninh) và được dùng làm dây chuyền. Fluorit phân bố nhiều ở Đông Pao (tỉnh Lai Châu) và Xuân Lãnh (tỉnh Phú Yên). Amazonit màu xanh lục được tìm thấy trong pegmatit syenit ở An Phú (huyện Lục Yên) và ở Thạch Khoán (tỉnh Vĩnh Phú). Tuy nhiên, amazonit chỉ xuất hiện ở dạng tinh thể mờ đục chỉ được sử dụng để chạm khắc.

Vàng việt nam
Đối với Vàng ở Việt Nam, nó chủ yếu gắn liền với thạch anh như bạn có thể thấy trong các bức ảnh dưới đây.
Vàng việt nam

Bac Kan Province
Kon Tum Province

Lâm Đồng Province
Đức Trọng District

Lạng Sơn Province
Binh Gia District

Lào Cai Province
Bat Xat District

Nghệ An Province
Tương Dương District
Vàng việt nam
Quảng Nam Province
Phú Ninh District
Phước Sơn District

Thái Nguyên Province
Dong Hy District

Tuyên Quang Province
Lang Vai mining district

Nguồn nghiên cứu:

Afghanistan's Mineral Resources and Gemstones

Afghanistan Mineral Resources
Lapis-lazuli in Afghanistan. Image by USGS
Lapis-lazuli in Afghanistan. Image by USGS

Gemstones and Gold (precious metals)
Afghanistan has a complex geology, the oldest rocks are Archean, succeeded by rocks from the Proterozoic and every Phanerozoic system up to the present day.

The country also has a long and complicated tectonic history, partly related to its position at the western end of the Himalaya.

Historical mining concentrated mostly on precious stone production, with some of the oldest known mines in the world believed to have been established in Afghanistan to produce lapis lazuli for the Egyptian Pharaohs. Perhaps the stone that is most associated with the country is the Lapis-lazuli, becoming almost a national symbol.
Tutankamon, gold and lapis lazuli
Tutankamon, Gold and Lapis lazuli.

The history of Lapis Lazuli in the Afghanistan dates back to 6.000 years. It's been cherished by ancient civilizations, including Persia, Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome, all of them considered it precious, spiritual and powerful . But it was Egyptians who chose as their favourite stone, creating with it amazing jewels for their nobility and kings. One of its most fascinating examples is the tomb of Tutankhamen, created with gold and richly inlaid with lapislazuli proceeding from Afghanistan.

Any mineral collector knows that Afghanistan produces some of the finest gemstones to collect.

Exploration in the 1960s and 70s resulted in the discovery of metallic mineral resources, including copper, iron and gold, and non-metallic minerals, including halite, talc, and mica.

USGS Releases Results of Afghan Mineral Studies
The research by the U.S. Geological Survey, the Afghan Geological Survey, and the Department of Defense has yielded volumes of information about areas of high mineral potential in Afghanistan, including rare earth elements, gold, iron, and copper. This research will be used by the Afghan Government as they consider developing these minerals resources.
There are cataloged about 194 valid minerals between metallic and non-metallic minerals.

For a complete list of Afghanistan's mineral resources, gemstones and metallic minerals, click HERE.

Precious Stones in Afghanistan
Afghanistan's main gemstones.
Afghanistan's main gemstones

Afghanistan has been blessed with a great variety of precious and semi-precious stones with 73 records of mines, deposits, occurrences and showings. In fact, some of the earliest records of mining anywhere in the world are from Afghanistan, dating back over 6000 years. Most operations today are small-scale, but the potential undoubtedly exists for the development of a significant precious stone mining industry in Afghanistan.
In addition to the most beautiful precious stones such as Lapis-Lazuli, Emerald, Ruby, Kunzite-tourmaline, but Afghanistan also has occurrences of other stones such as aquamarine, amethyst, topaz and Afghanite.
Afghanite, by Rob Lavinsky - iRocks
Afghanite was discovered in 1968 in the Lapis-lazuli Mine, Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan and takes its name from that country. It has also been described from localities in Germany, Italy, the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan, near Lake Baikal in Siberia, New York and Newfoundland. It occurs as veinlets in lazurite crystals in the Afghan location and in altered limestone xenoliths within pumice in Pitigliano, Tuscany, Italy.

Gold in Afghanistan click HERE
or click on the image to access the document.


¿Cómo entrenar a un perro para encontrar oro?

No, César Millán no te enseñará cómo entrenar a un perro para encontrar oro, pero nosotros de la lo haremos.

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado si un perro puede oler el oro?
Entonces, ¿cómo entrenar a un perro para que encuentre oro y otros metales preciosos?

Aprenda a entrenar a un perro para encontrar oro
¿Pueden los perros oler el oro?
perro de oro rastreador ruidoso
Rowdy, el perro que olfatea oro, incluso por debajo de la línea de flotación.

¿Pueden ser mejores que los mejores detectores de metales?

No sería bueno poder entrenar a un perro para que olfatee oro si están entrenados para encontrar drogas, explosivos, buscar y rescatar personas y otros.

"Estos son algunos consejos para las personas interesadas en buscar oro y otros metales preciosos con la ayuda de un perro entrenado. Esta información muestra cómo una persona puede enseñar fácilmente las habilidades necesarias para entrenar a su perro a buscar metales valiosos en el campo".

El oro no huele.
No para nosotros los humanos, pero quizás para los perros.

El hocico de los perros es un órgano perfecto.
El ser humano tiene alrededor de 6 millones de receptores olfativos, lo cual no es pequeño, ya que somos capaces de detectar algo así como 1 billón de aromas. Pero dependiendo de la raza, los perros tienen hasta 300 millones de estos receptores, ubicados en los tejidos de las vías respiratorias, que reconocen las moléculas de olor y envían señales eléctricas al cerebro, donde se analizan los aromas. Para agregar a esa diferencia, la parte del cerebro del perro dedicada a analizar los olores es 40 veces más sensible que la de los humanos.

¿Qué pasaría si pudieras entrenar a tu perro para que huela los minerales de sulfuro que rodean al oro?

Quizás sería mejor que un detector de metales, porque podría detectar el olor a oro incluso cuando está muy disperso, o tal vez especialmente cuando está muy disperso.

Este es un pensamiento muy emocionante para muchos buscadores de oro.

En la década de 1960, en Finlandia, un instituto de prospección geológica entrenó con éxito perros pastores alemanes para encontrar depósitos minerales como el cobre y el níquel. Los animales lograron olfatear minerales enterrados hasta 12 metros de profundidad.

Según este modelo, algunas personas entrenan perros para encontrar oro, pero ¿cómo?
Cómo entrenar a su perro para encontrar oro
La capacidad olfativa es un factor decisivo en la selección de animales, pero hoy en día lo que califica, de hecho, a un perro para estos servicios es su interés por buscar y encontrar objetos ", una sensación de curiosidad y, por supuesto, una agudeza extrema". nariz ", el cachorro que necesitas entrenar es como el que mete (literalmente) la nariz en todo.

Razas de perros con mejor sentido del olfato:
Labrador, Golden Retriever, Pastor Alemán y Pastor Belga Malinois
son las razas adecuadas para la tarea, pueden olfatear el oro que está en el lecho de un río debajo de la línea de flotación, puede ver el video al final de la publicación.

Después de pasar a los buenos por el tamiz, se elegirán los animales más curiosos y perseverantes, a los que les gusta buscar y recuperar objetos y no se rinden fácilmente en una búsqueda lúdica.

En general, comience a socializar al perro con objetos de oro, comience a jugar con un anillo escondido en una pequeña y delgada bola de tela de algodón sin pintar o serigrafía. Lo ideal sería un trozo de roca procedente de suelos más aptos para el oro u objetos en oro de 24k.

Haz varios juguetes iguales y esconde el oro en uno de ellos.

El entrenamiento suele llevar muchos meses en este primer paso de la bola de tela dorada, después de que el perro cumpla 1 año de edad, aumente el grado de dificultad y aumente (si puede) el volumen de oro en el juguete favorito del perro.

¿Oro nativo o joyas?
El oro nativo será mejor para quienes quieran buscar oro en la naturaleza, si lo haces con oro de joyería, es decir, oro que tiene una aleación de otro metal, puedes intentar encontrar oro en la naturaleza pero lo mejor sería para probar y usar a su perro para buscarlo, objetos de oro en la arena de la playa, por ejemplo.

El adiestramiento puede llevar meses, ten paciencia y no maltrates a tu perro.
Cómo entrenar a su perro para encontrar oro
Después de que el perro se acostumbre al olor a oro, haz la primera incursión en un terreno diferente al habitual, pídele a un amigo que esconda un objeto en oro y ve con tu perro al terreno para ver cómo le va, hazle pensar que tú haya escondido su juguete y lo suelte, observe lo que hace y cómo encuentra la pieza de oro.

Siempre que el animal encuentre el oro escondido, debe recibir elogios y el placer del entrenador. Si no tiene éxito, no lo castigues, pero si demuestra que no va a hacer el trabajo, ten paciencia y no lo apartes del entrenamiento, y haz esta prueba con más frecuencia.

Para no cansar al perro, el adiestrador debe intercalar periodos iguales de hasta 50 minutos de trabajo (prospección) y descanso. El tiempo puede variar, pero en general un perro es más activo hasta los 10 años.

Si tú, con paciencia y mucho amor, logras triunfar en el entrenamiento, podrá demostrar su valor ..... en oro.

(No intentes venderlo, podría arruinarlo todo porque como tu amigo ha vivido contigo desde que era pequeño, es probable que con otro propietario no prospecte).

Ahora solo busque un suelo adecuado para el oro:

En este video, el dueño le enseña a su perro a encontrar oro.
La muestra de roca es sulfuro de oro.

Rowdy, la pequeña perra que huele oro:

Libro: Cómo entrenar a su perro para encontrar oro